Friday, March 23, 2012

Volunteers and Interns needed!

The Literacy 4 Youth Program is looking for willing students to volunteer or intern with them! They have opportunities every week at convenient locations such as Phillips Arena and the Georgia Dome. Please contact Shun Collins at 404-454-3058 if you are interested in learning more about this awesome opportunity.

Summer volunteer opportunity!

Teen Money Matters Camp will take place from June 11th to August 17th and are in need of volunteers! Volunteers will be making phone calls asking for donations for the camp. Please contact Queen Mason at if you are interested in this experience! 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

United Hospice

Committed to Caring


Exceptional Rewards
•   Opportunity to be a specially trained teen hospice volunteer
•   Introduction to the health care environment
(office setting and nursing care environment)

•   Opportunity to share your gift of music, drama, storytelling, or administrative  skills (special projects, filing, organization, or computer skills).
•   Opportunity to learn a new skill; for example:

1>    How to function in an office environment

1>    How to work as part of an inter­ disciplinary team of nurses, physicians, social workers, hospice aides
1>    How to communicate  with someone who has a terminal illness
1>    How to educate others who are coping with end-of-life issues
1>   Opportunity to earn community  service hours needed for college and techincal school
•   United Hospice provides letters of recommendation to those who are chosen as Teen Volunteers

United Hospice of Atlanta   Hospice Volunteers
Administrative Volunteers  Norcross (filing, mailings, computer work, etc.) and Patient Care Volunteers (metro Atlanta area)
This is a wonderful  opportunity for anyone wanting ministry and patient care experience, working in a professional office environment, or  investing in a long-term service project.
For more information, contact Doris Nelms, United Hospice Atlanta, or 404-292-2081.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tutors needed 9th-12th grade!

Volunteer with iDream as a Tutor in the GSU Neighborhood!
Where: West End Academy, 1445 Maynard Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30331
Time: Friday and/or Saturday, 10-12pm
Preferred Major(s): Education, Science(s), Math, English, Spanish, etc.
Begin Date: Rolling

Organization Summary
iDream Inc. seeks to empower high-risk, underserved youth in Atlanta and Jamaica to pursue their dreams by enabling access to a quality education, healthy foods, and opportunities to grow and develop in a safe environment.

·         iDream is in need of volunteer tutors for students from 9th to 12th grade.
·         Our tutoring sessions take place every Friday and Saturday from 10am to 12noon. You choose which day works best for you.
·         Snacks and materials (including curriculum and worksheets) are provided for each session.
·         Higher need for math, science and Spanish.

Contact Us!
If you are interested in this wonderful opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students and improve this wonderful city, contact us now!
To apply, please send your resume to Enter "Tutor" in email subject line.  Or call us at (404)-806-8139 between 10am-3pm.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Fourth R

The Fourth R: For Human Rights Education (TFR) is an Atlanta-based not-for-profit that uses education
as a tool to inform, inspire, and empower the community at large and students in particular to become
active citizens in the development of their local and global communities. For us, this means being
educated about rights, respecting the rights and dignity of others in our own actions and behavior, and
taking action to end and prevent rights abuses. To that end, TFR works with schools, local
businesses/organizations, and community leaders to promote human rights and public service. We
educate about human rights and for human rights; providing students with the opportunity not only to
learn and think critically about current affairs, but also to become equipped with the skills to respond
to and react to issues affecting them in their local and global communities.
We envision neighborhoods and cities where we work being enriched with active and informed
residents who take charge in creating the changes they hope to see. Furthermore, we believe that a
heightened global consciousness and a basic respect for others’ rights can improve relationships within
communities and encourage cooperation to achieve change. Frighteningly, however, many of our youth
lack the global-mindedness we believe is necessary to achieve important human rights goals. According
to a 2006 study by National Geographic on respondents between the ages of 18 and 24, fewer than 3 in
10 think it is necessary to know the locations of countries in the news. Accordingly, the study also
 Almost two-thirds of respondents could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map
 75% could not locate Israel
 One-third could not pinpoint the state of Louisiana only 6 months after Hurricane Katrina.
We believe these findings betray the failure of our education system to inspire students to care about
what happens in the world around them. Reading, writing and arithmetic are necessary and important
skills, but we believe that educating students about rights will not only motivate them to be change
agents, but can also improve their academic achievements. The Fourth R empowers youth with the
knowledge, attitudes and skills to be human rights advocates, while at the same time reinforcing the
core competencies they learn in school. Participants in our programs strengthen their abilities to think
critically, voice their opinions effectively, and collaborate with others to achieve a common goal. We
work to ensure that activities in our lessons challenge students’ grasp of science, social studies, language
arts, and math skills.
The Fourth R was founded by Jacqueline Crowther and Swetha Krishnakumar in 2008. The initiative
began as a year-long program for fifth grade students at Centennial Place Elementary School, where we
continue to work with teachers and faculty to prepare the leaders of our future. TFR has been fortunate
to have the support and assistance of Amnesty International, the Georgia Institute of Technology, and
Georgia State University as well as opportunities to work with the MLK Center for Nonviolent Social

Human Rights Schools Program:
This program is comprised of two parts, the first of which is our semester-long introduction to human
rights program. Volunteer facilitators work in pairs to deliver our curriculum to 5th grade students over a
10 week period. These interactive and engaging lessons cover a range of topics including the Universal
Declaration on Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Millennium
Development Goals, and utilize various activities that target standard learning objectives.
The second part of this program is a service-learning component that is carried out in collaboration with
local partner organizations. The Semester Service Learning Program is carried out during the second
semester of the school-year during which time we work to involve students in the development of a
service-learning project on an issue relevant to them and their community. In the past, we have
organized efforts around global warming and the Millenium Development Goals.
The program involves us helping students and teachers in selecting, researching and planning the
project, then partner organizations such as the local food bank or shelter work with them in
implementing the project. This opportunity allows students to develop practical experience based on
the HRE lessons they previously covered and realize the real-life impact they can have. Students,
schools, and neighborhoods benefit from the project, and our local organizations grow their volunteer
Peer Mediation Program
The Peer Mediation Program (PMP) is implemented by our volunteers in partnership with counselors at
participating schools to create a corps of student peer mediators. We developed the program as a tool
to combat the ubiquitous and persistent threat of bullying children face at school. Peer mediators
trained and supervised by TFR volunteers provide a safe environment for conflict resolution to their
fellow students. This is a school-based program for students to better understand the relationship
between human rights and their own lives and how to ensure an atmosphere conducive for students’
growth and development.
Human Rights Educators
In order to allow for a greater scalability of our HRE model throughout the community, The Fourth R also
works to provide “Training the Trainer” programs. We provide general trainings for educators such as K-
12 teachers and other community leaders hoping to implement HRE on their own. Our trainings can also
be customized to help a community build its organizing capacity to take on a major campaign.
Workshops and Presentations
The Fourth R also provides expert speakers on a range of human rights, HRE, and humanitarian issues
for school events, demonstrations/rallies, conferences, etc.
Global Citizens Corps
The Global Citizens Corps is an on-line forum and members-only database for corps members, including
volunteers and organizational representatives, to share knowledge, discuss ideas, and form
partnerships to further the civic-mindedness of community members young and old.

The Fourth R is volunteer-powered. Here are ways in which you can contribute to driving the HRE
movement in Atlanta!
 HRE Facilitator: Volunteer for 10 weeks as an HRE Facilitator for the Human Rights Schools
Program. You will be trained in classroom management, teaching and facilitation, and lesson
planning and be supported throughout the duration of the program. Each week, you will have
the opportunity to work with students, educating them on a range of HRE topics.
 PMP Facilitator: Volunteer as a PMP Facilitator for the Peer Mediation Program. You will be
provided sensitivity training and counseling/mediation lessons. Working with school counselors
and student volunteers, you will assist the counselor in implementing lessons on mediation for
students in the PMP program and support the students in providing counseling sessions for their
 Expert Speaker: Volunteer your expertise and flex your public speaking skills as part of our
Speaker Directory. You will be contacted regarding events for which your focus areas are of
 Leadership Opportunities: Please contact us to learn about any leadership opportunities within
the organization.
 Board Opportunities: Please contact us to learn about board openings to contribute to
development, oversight and strategic planning for The Fourth R.
We are hoping to make HRE a city-wide movement, and we know that is not possible without our
partners! For K-12 school representatives: We would be glad to discuss opportunities for implementing
one or both components of our Human Rights Schools program and/or our Peer Mediator Program.
Please e-mail us at the address below, or call.
 For universities: Please contact us if you would be interested in developing a base for recruiting
volunteer facilitators. We would also love to partner with university departments for
advisement and financial support.
 For NGOs and non-profits: Please contact us if you would be interested in developing and
implementing a Semester Service Learning Program at a K-12 school. We would love to partner
you with one of our member schools. We also offer a number of fee-based services including
program development assistance, training, administrative assistance, and program
documentation and evaluation.
 For companies: Please contact us if you would like to support The Fourth R financially or in-kind.
We depend on the support of our community members to continue to provide high quality HRE
services to our students! Your support will be reciprocated with complementary advertising and
complementary inclusion in our Global Citizens Corps network (a normally fee-based service
allowing access to a number of leaders and organizations in our community).

Please contact us at to discuss your role at The Fourth R! Thank you!